🌱 Eco-pollo! 🌱

Recently, two of our very own bullgirls were nominated for the Green Council’s Eco-Friend Award 2018! 🏆🏆 They are… Cady Li from 18S6K, and Rachel Tey from 18A14! The award is presented to individuals who do good for the environment and inspire others to do the same. 🌱 We spoke to them about their passion for…

A Few Words of Wisdom

Hey there Apollo! 🤙🤙🤙 As we approach the last term of the year, things can start to feel tough–and so we’ve brought to you a special segment that we hope you’ll find inspirational! We’ve interviewed a group of seniors who have achieved outstanding results in their A-levels and are all recipients of the prestigious Public…

🍚Project R.I.C.E 2018🍚

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Dear Apollo, Project R.I.C.E. has finally come to an end and we would like to give a BIG thank you to all of you for the tremendous support throughout! This could not have been done without your hard…

Thank you, for making us fall in love with Apollo again.

“Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.” Dear Apollo, we hope that Orientation 2018 has left you with lots of wonderful memories and stories to tell (like it did for us)!! We would love to share with you some of the unforgettable moments that happened during Orientation,…

✨🔅Introduction to Faculty Committee 17/18🔅✨

✨ HEY SUNSHINES!!! ✨   Although we are already halfway through our term, we would still like to take the opportunity to formally introduce ourselves to you here, where we will be more active in future.   To the C1s, we warmly welcome you to this sunshine-filled and ebullient faculty! :DD We hope that your…

🚀APO11O: The Relaunch🚀

🚀APO11O: The Relaunch🚀 On 11/11/ 2017, Apollo faculty had its faculty outing 1 in school! 🏫✨ It was a fun-filled event packed with eventful performances, awesome self-created game booths, and great food and drinks! :DD Let us refresh our wonderful memories again with the following pictures: Specially tailored artisan menu for all APO11O: The Relaunch…

Farewell 16/17 Seniors ✨✨

HEY APOLLO 16/17 SUNSHINES!! Wasn’t Friday night such a memorable night? You got a teddy bear for all the bucketfuls of blood, sweat and tears that you shed in your 2 years here. And what a great 2 years it has been! Do enjoy our Faculty Montage screened during Graduation Day for a trip down…

Some Wise Words

HEY SUNSHINES!! We are almost halfway through the academic year, and we have a special segment to inspire you for the semester ahead! Every year, we interview a group of outstanding, all-rounded seniors who have achieved splendid results in their A-Levels. They have done us proud, and have kindly agreed to share with us some…


HEY SUNSHINES!! Wondering what to wear for Wild Wild West this Saturday? We’ve put together a lookbook featuring all the various looks you can rock to rival those colourful birds all around JBP!! View it at http://wildwildwest.smvi.co/# Enjoy!! AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!  

R.I.C.E and Shine!

If you think the most rice you’ll ever see stacked up in a single place is at your neighbourhood NTUC, think again. 5414.557 KG OF RICE looks every bit as astounding as this: (so much rice we needed to do a panorama!!!!) Thank you very much for all the support for Project R.I.C.E – the…


THE MUCH ANTICIPATED ARRIVAL of our new herd of bullboys and bullgirls was a lively start to a week of Faculty and CT Orientation. Running around school the whole morning/ socialising/ speed-dating 20++ new classmates/ playing mind-boggling, high intensity games was probably enough to wear down any new C1 student, but certainly not our BRAND…

Welcome Back C2s!!

Hey C2s, Welcome back to the grind! It’s 2017 and that means the year ahead will be a very very enriching one! We’re finally facing the long-awaited A-Levels, but do not fret! We’re all in this together :’’’’’’) !! Here’s to wishing you a very happy and meaningful year ahead! Let’s all grow to become…